I am Nidhi Jaju

University Student, Software Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Graphic Designer

Name: Nidhi Jaju

Profile: Software Engineer and Technology Enthusiast

Email: nidhijaju127@gmail.com

Technical Skills

ARM Assembly
Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator
Microsoft Office Suite
About me

I am a final year MEng Electronic and Information Engineering student at Imperial College London. I was born in India, and lived in Tokyo for all of my life and grew up there, before moving to London for university. I was always interested in maths and sciences and after participating in the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge in high school and going through the whole engineering process of desiging a renewable energy heater, I knew this was the field for me. I loved the whole process of discussing, planning, and pitching to testing, prototyping, and finally having a final product and seeing it all come to life before my eyes. Since coming to university, I have gained a lot more in-depth experience with software engineering and lower level aspects of electronics. Through my projects and learning that I have conducted, I have really enjoyed seeing the connection between software and hardware and how it all works together.

My international background has really given me a lot of opportunities to interact with many different people from around the world with various perspectives, which has helped me to not only become more open-minded but more knowledgeable as well. I aspire to use my passion for engineering and combine it with my desire to connect with people to build products and services that can make their lives easier and more enjoyable.

Work Experience


Tokyo, Japan

October 2020 - December 2020

Software Engineer Intern

Worked on the Chrome Browser team again, specifically on implementing and adding support for a new Networking API called Readable Byte Streams in the Blink Renderer Process in Chrome, which was shipped in M89. Contributed to the API spec and added new web-platform tests for untested cases. Benchmarking tests showed up to 9x better performance to read byte chunks compared to the default streams implementation.


Tokyo, Japan

April 2020 - August 2020

Software Engineer Intern

Worked on the Chrome Browser team, specifically on Service Workers and mitigating one of the top Out of Memory crashers in the Service Worker codebase when there are too many service worker registrations. Implemented both back end and front end parts of project, and was able to successfully reduce almost all of the crashes through my contributions. (Continued to contribute to Chromium as an external contributor after internship ended.)

Imperial College London

London, UK

October 2019 - December 2019

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Responsible for assisting weekly computing lab sessions in Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering for 1st Year undergraduate students. Also, introduced good software engineering practices with a focus on teaching key programming concepts in weekly C++ exercises.

Imagination Technologies

Hertfordshire, UK

June 2019 - September 2019

GPU Compute & Vision Software Engineer Summer Intern

Tested and analysed the performance of neural network frameworks on PowerVR GPUs, with a focus on TVM (open deep learning compiler stack) in comparison to IMG DNN (Imagination’s graph compilation library). Also, auto-tuned neural networks, and implemented & optimised matmul operations using OpenCL kernels.


Tokyo, Japan

September 2018

Summer Intern

Worked together with Japanese university students to plan and propose a solution that utilizes ICT for future Japan and present it to the senior employees of the affiliated companies of Fujitsu.


Tokyo, Japan

September 2018

IoT Summer Intern

Worked with other Japanese university students to design and build an IoT system using an Arduino, M2M router, and touch, light, and human sensors, and presented at every step of the design process to the IoT team.


Tokyo, Japan

November 2015 - September 2017

Founder & Team Lead

Designed a renewable energy heater utilising phase change materials to aid refugees and remote areas as part of the Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge. Top 5 Finalist and won the Power Pitch Award at Conrad Summit held at NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Product is patent pending and in process of commercialisation.

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Tokyo, Japan

July 2016

Summer Research Intern

2-week international high school students internship programme at the Induction Motors Laboratory in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Shibaura Institute of Technology.


Imperial College London

London, UK

September 2017 - Present

MEng Electronic & Information Engineering

Key modules: Algorithms and Data Structures, Software Engineering I/II, Databases, Mathematics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Robotics, Computer Networks & Distributed Systems, Language Processors, Computer Architecture, Analysis of Circuits, Digital Electronics, FPGA Design, Signals and Communications

Activities: Electrical Engineering Society (WiEE President), Department of Computing Society, Women in Electrical Engineering (President), NHSF Hindu Society (Vice-President), Indian Society, Yoga Club

Seisen International School

Tokyo, Japan

August 2004 - June 2017

International Baccalaureate

Valedictorian of the Class of 2017

IB Subjects: Higher Level: Mathematics, Physics, Visual Arts, Japanese B; Standard Level: Economics, English A: Literature (May 2017)

IGCSE Subjects: AS-Level Mathematics - A (May 2015); IGCSE Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award) - A* (May 2015) & International Mathematics - A* (May 2014)

Activities: Varsity Debate, TASSEL (Chapter Co-President), Brainbowl, Yearbook (Co-Editor-in-Chief), Model United Nations, Seisen Mathematical Society, Track & Field, Volleyball

Stanford University

California, US

June 2015 - July 2015

Summer Program

Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes (3-week subject intensive program) Program: Topics in Engineering





(English, Japanese, Hindi)






Check out some of the projects I have completed over the past few years shown below.

Chromium Project Contributions

Open-source, Software Engineering / July 2020

NLP Inference Engine

AI, NLP, Functional Programming / March 2020

Mumono (IoT Project)

Embedded Systems, IoT / February 2020

C90 Compiler

Language Processing, Compiler Design / March 2019

MIPS CPU Simulator

Computer Architecture / November 2018

SwypeKey (Virtual In-Air Keyboard)

FPGA Design / May 2018


Gaming Algorithms, Software Engineering / March 2018


Software Engineering / February 2018


Renewable Energy, Chemical Engineering / April 2016